What to Expect from an Angelic Healing with Roxanna.
Roxanna, the Angelic Channel, begins with a prayer to establish grounding and a cloak of protection to connect you with Your Angels. Once in the Angelic realm, Your Angels dialogue and speak directly to you through Roxanna. Jesus, Mother Mary and other Ascended Masters may come through Love & Light, with no religious affiliation. Spirit or Power Animals may also come and assist you. Souls that have passed, such as family and friends, may connect and speak. The Angels & Archangels orchestrate what you need in the Angelic Realm for your highest good and healing. They transmit vibrational healing sound through Roxanna to where it is most needed in your emotional, etheric and spiritual bodies. There are times when Your Angels call upon Roxanna to become the “Emotional Shaman” to express your suppressed emotions which then allows Your Angel's vibrational healing to reach you more deeply.
All Angelic Healings are over FaceTime or Skype. All sessions are an hour. During this time the Angels will channel through Roxanna for 40-50 minutes. Your Angels discourage note taking during the session. In order to connect at the deepest level they require you to focus on your breath and be present.
How to Prepare for an Angelic Healing
The best way to prepare for your Angelic Healing is to be ready with your device. Give yourself a few minutes to breathe and be present. Hydration and having water to drink during your session is beneficial. It’s important to have a private, quiet and comfortable space to receive your messages and vibrational healing.
IMPORTANT: Recording your session is imperative. It is impossible to remember everything transmitted. It is beneficial to listen to your recording. The work with Your Angels shifts energy on a cellular level. It is important to give some time for the information to align with your energetic system. This transition may continue for days after your session.
Roxanna requires using your computer or iPad in order to have a face to face experience. It is recommended you rest your phone close to your device and record with an app such as Voice Memo or Voice Recorder. Please note: Once you are on the call with Roxanna you will need to place your phone on DO NOT DISTURB or AIRPLANE MODE. This will allow for an uninterrupted healing and recording.
Common questions
Is an Angelic Healing the same as a psychic reading?
Roxanna’s Angelic Healing is different from a psychic reading. Roxanna is a Trance Channel. There are times they are speaking through her physical body and you may notice a slower pace and a change of her voice. As an Angelic Trance Channel, Roxanna is a connector between you and Your Angels. She tunes into Your Angels, their messages and the vibrational healing that is uniquely meant for you.
Can I ask my Angels about my health or finances?
Roxanna is not a medical intuitive and does not channel medical advice nor any financial speculations. Your Angels may have recommendations for physical well-being, however, it is not medical advice. Your Angels work through her for your emotional, spiritual and vibrational healing.
How many sessions are recommended?
There is a benefit to receiving on-going clearing and healing. When we connect regularly with our angels in the Angelic Realm and follow their guidance we evolve more fully through our life lessons.
Is an Angelic Healing the same as psychotherapy?
Angelic Healing and psychotherapy are very different. Angelic Healing is a complementary healing modality.
How do I contact Roxanna to set up an appointment?
You may email Roxanna's Angelic Administrative Team at angelichealingwithroxanna@gmail.com.
You may expect a response within 3 business days.