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Angelic Answers Welcome Newsletter

Roxanna Sprance

We, The Angels, are sending this electronic message through the channel and conduit named Roxanna. You are all a part of a Collective Consciousness which has questions that are calling to be answered. We see and hear the questions within your hearts and we are linking with her to answer them.

This will be a periodic Angelic Message of Healing, Clarity, Comfort and Love! "Short and Sweet" as is the earth school phrase. We will choose a Question and Channel our Angelic Answer through Roxanna; a paragraph or two at the most. If we ask, Roxanna will share her own personal experience and perspective; another paragraph to two for grounding.

We are grateful for each and every one of you who have received Vibrational Clearing, Clarity and Healing here in the Angelic each layer and level of healing received personally brings greater vibrational Light to All in the world.

Next week, the first question to begin this Angelic Answers Journey is: What are the Angels actually “Doing” when I receive an Angelic Healing?

Below is a brief sampling of the many future questions to be answered.

Why am I here?

How do I find love?

How do I manifest a happier life?

Is Illness a karmic curse?

How do I get through grief and loss?

Is there really life after death?

What is the purpose of prophecy and how come the angels do not tell me my entire future and outcome?

We look forward to your joining us on this Angelic Journey.

All Our Angelic Love & Light to You!


Angelic Answers Newsletter is not intended as medical, legal, or other advice or a replacement for professional treatment or consultation.

*** If you are experiencing physical or psychological problems, consult a medical professional. ***

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